Cant imagine a life without my dad how can i help him and create magical memories

Firstly my dad had lived with stage 4 cancer with many years but sadly treatment is not working , he is young and im so cross with the world , why him? Why does cancer affect so many families . It jus isnt fair. He has now stopped treatment and been reffered to palliative care , is there any ideas i could do to show him how much we care and love him . I feel so helpless . No matter what age we l still need our dads i wish this was all a bad dream .

My dad is incredible funny , kind and selfless he deserves the best.

From a very worried heartbroken daughter 

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat, Lottienoo.

    I'm sorry to read about your dad's situation. It's completely understandable to feel angry, frustrated, and heartbroken when faced with such difficult circumstances. Cancer can indeed affect many families, and it's a challenging reality to grapple with.

    Do try to cherish every moment with your dad and show him how much you care and love him. Simple gestures like spending quality time together, reminiscing about happy memories, and expressing your feelings openly can mean a lot. You could also consider creating a memory book or scrapbook filled with photos, notes, and mementos that celebrate his life and the special moments you've shared.

    Remember that you're not alone, there are many here who will understand exactly how you're feeling and I hope you'll find comfort and encouragmente among us.

    Your dad sounds like an incredible person, and he's fortunate to have such a caring daughter by his side.

    With best wishes to you both,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • As a daughter who lost her dad 8 months ago i completely understand. My dad was young. We found out my dad had cancer. Within weeks we was offered palliative care, within 4 months he lost his battle. He was so poorly we wasn’t able to do anything we wanted to do. We went from living a normal life to finding out there was nothing that could be done. All I can say is talk to your dad, those are the memories that really stick with me, the conversations when he was in hospital or at home about the old times or just even what was going in the news. Because those conversations and time spent together you wont ever get back. Now I think about it I lost my dad 8 months ago physically, but I lost him before then to cancer. The conservations, the laughter, just even a text message.. cancer takes everything. And I don’t like putting all this out there for people to read and think how negative it all is, I just wish someone was there who was so honest with me how hard it it is loosing a parent to cancer and watching them go. I just wish someone was there to say think of every moment and take it in. Whatever you do your dad will be happy you are there, and I am thinking of you and the family x

  • Have all the conversations, have no regrets. Leave nothing unsaid. Tell him you love him and what you’re grateful for. Reminisce. Cry together. Laugh together. 

    It’s still the worst thing to try to get used to and your feelings mirror mine. I miss my Dad so much but felt and feel all the things you are feeling. I’m still angry at the world. 7 months later. It’s still raw. 

    Be kind to you. 

  • Thankyou so much for your message just what i needed right now! Currently in hospital with him in a side room. 

  • Thankyou so much for taking time out to message this to me appreciate it 

  • So sorry to hear your heartbreaking story too! Our dads are so lucky to have such caring daughters!