Lost my mum

Hi my mum died 12 days ago after a short stay in a hospice. She had lung cancer for a year and, and we initially thought she was receiving symptom relief but after a couple of weeks things spiralled and she never came home. I. have sort of been grieving since the early autumn, when she seemed to be getting worse, so wasn't expecting to feel those awful when she died. I can't focus on anything, I feel stressed and irritable and have a really heavy feeling that I can't shake. Trying to support my dad but finding it hard to even keep up with cooking and doing basic things for my family. Is this normal?

  • Hi Annawh and welcome, i am so sorry to hear about your mum and the emotional struggles you are having. Your emotions are perfectly normal, like you i lost my mum to lung cancer and there comes a time when the illness gets worse that you start to grieve for the mum you knew all your life until this horrible disease came to take her away a little bit every day, and though your head might say near the end that you don't want your mum to suffer any more and she will be at peace when she passes, the heart still breaks .Anna you have lost your mum, your best friend someone who has always been there for you, grief affects us in many ways with every feeling and emotion you would expect. You need time to come to terms with your loss and your emotions. i  understand you want to look after dad and your family but you must also look after yourself as well, give yourself a little time every day, to do whatever you feel like doing, please take care.
