1 year since my mum passed

Hi all, 

My name is Sarah and I am 32 years old. My mum passed away from bile duct cancer on the 17 January 2023 and she was 64 years old. Since the start of January this year my heart has been aching non stop. I miss my mum terribly and I can’t believe I’ve lived nearly a year without her. Life is cruel. She was my best friend and I thought I would have more time with her. 

Sarah x 

  • Hello Sarah and welcome to the forum. 

    I'm so very sorry to hear that you lost your Mum in January last year. It's understandable that you're experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions right now. 

    Grief is a natural process but it can be devastating. often people will find that feelings come close to the surface again as they approach the first anniversary of a loved one's death. Have you thought about if, or how, you want to mark the occasion? Have you made plans to spend the day in a particular way? It may be that there's a particular place you'd like to visit or something you would like to do to help you through the day. 

    I don't know if you've had any bereavement support Sarah but this may be something else that you'd like to think about. If so I'd suggest having a look at the website for a charity called Cruse. They offer a variety of bereavement support services that you may find helpful at this time. 

    Keep in touch over the coming days Sarah. Let us know how you're coping and we'll do our best to support you. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Sarah  my mum past away in 2022 she had stage 4 cancer of her liver and pancreas . She only found out at the start of April 2022 then that week my mum went I to hospital then to a hospice where I stayed with her for five days holding her hand till she went to a better place . It's broken my heart and soul if I am honest . It just makes me see how cruel this world can be sometimes. My only conciliation is knowing  that she was not in pain for along time and now walks amongst the angels . God bless  the people we  love and the people we all have lost . X god bless them all .  I am sure the people we all love are in heaven watching us all now . Love does hurt . But knowing the beautiful people we love are now in a special place calms my soul.  Big love to all the fallen that are now with god in heaven..... God bless us all