Coping with my loss

I lost my husband 5 weeks ago. He died at home where I had been nursing him with help from my son and latterly MacMillan nurses. He was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer in March last year but despite chemotherapy he succumbed to the cruel disease at the end of November. It has been so hard trying to process all that has happened. We had been married for 48 years and I have never lived on my own before. Christmas was so difficult and now starting a new year seems so daunting. I still can’t believe it has happened and it all feels surreal. I have times when I feel so much panic and fear. I am trying to be strong but finding it so hard.

  • Hello Moosh

    I'm so sorry to hear about the recent loss of your husband. Undoubtedly this is a very difficult time for you and it's understandable that you may be feeling a range of emotions at the moment. 

    I know that many of our members who have lost a loved one have found it helpful to seek some kind of bereavement support and I wonder if this is something that you might consider. Hopefully, you have a good support network of family and friends around you but even then it can be useful to have someone outside of that network to offer a safe space to explore your grief and support you as you begin to move forward. If this is something you might like to explore then have a look at the Cruse website, alternatively you can talk with your GP practice about how you're coping and what services are available in your local area. 

    The forum is here for you Moosh. Feel free to post here if it helps to write down how your thoughts and feelings and we'll do our best to support you along this journey. 

    Sending you my best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator