Do you still talk to your lost loved ones?

I live in an out of the way place and its just me and my Mum whos not well. I spend a lot of the day keeping her company so at night i spend a lot of time up in the early hours in the lounge where me and Dad spent so much time. I talk to him constantly and say things like  `sorry dad ` for various reasons. He would probably think im mad but its kind helps me get by. 

It is more lonely now here than ever. And if my mum goes it will be like a desert island

  • Hi mattycmyru, yes I do still talk to my mum ,usually when in the garden at crematorium. She passed in 1983. So I tell her I've brought her flowers & kids now grown,  dog left in car as not allowed here. I am sure many people do the same. This year told her might be there sooner as BC. Mostly I speak these words in my thoughts, as not to alarm others. It does us good . Hope you get out meet people & not too much of the dessert. Pip

  • Hi Mattcymru,

    I lost my Dad six months ago and I still talk to him. As soon as I wake up in the morning I say morning dad and at night I always look at his picture and say good night. I also tell him I miss him at several points throughout the day. 

    I think this is perfectly fine. I also love to talk about my Dad as it makes me feel close to him, I never want to not talk about him. 

    Take care. 


  • thank you for yuor reply. i havent been here for a while as guess what . my mumdied

  • Yes, all the time! And she is listening and I will give you an example - everyone is going to think I am mad but I don't care because it happened and this is as true as I am sitting here.

    I live in China and I moved to a new city and I am part of a bank which has six branches in a city the size of the whole of Merseyside and I needed to find a branch so one day, I decided to go and find it - I didn't know where the hell I was going but I asked mum to help me find this bank because I had no clue where I was going to find it so I got on the bus outside work for the two hour ride into town - this is how big this place is so I thought I will stay until the end of the line but something told me to get off this stop about 50 minutes in - so I did... and as I did something told me to cross the road and go down this particular road so I did...

    And I was saying out loud (I probably looked a bit mad but nobody was paying any attention because they probably though I had some kind of earpiece phone in which helps with conversations with my mum...) 'are you sure' but the insistence was there and I was going to turn back but no - there was a feeling to keep carrying on down this street and as I was shaking my head thinking what a waste of time it all was - there was a branch of this bank!

    Now some people might say 'well, that was just a coincidence' and maybe it was but I asked mum for help and she gave it and I found this bank in a massive place and had no idea where I was going - similar things have happened to this when I have asked my mum for help with problems she comes up with advice - also, what is very interesting that inner plagues within my mind that used to bug me have now gone - for me it proves that they watching us and looking after us - why wouldn't they? 

    Keep talking to her - keep asking for advice and you'll find she will help you out. She isn't as far away as you think.