My partners Dad had terminal cancer


my partners dad has cancer in multiple places in his body, over the last month and a half or so we have seen him get worse and worse. This is the most painful thing I've ever experienced, not only am I really close with her dad who is the most wonderful man I'm also really worried about the pain my partner is going through she has such a close and lovely relationship with him it's breaking both of us. And I'm terrified for the future for her, I don't think she'll ever be truly happy ever again and it breaks my heart she is so lovely and sweet and would call her dad most days. She is telling herself he will get better and I'm praying for a miracle but I fear that her telling herself this will make it worse if he does pass, rather than accepting what's coming and trying to process that? Can anyone give guidance on this I know everyone has a different process and I respect that I just worry about her all the time, I've not brought it up yet I don't know if I can I don't want her to lose hope it's maybe the only thing that's keeping her going.


Thank you, sorry for the long post

  • Welcome to the forum Lewis although I'm really sorry to hear about your partner's dad. I can see from your post just how close you both are with him and how much you care for your partner. This must be a very challenging time for you all.

    Talking about dying can be very difficult, and only you will know if your partner is ready to have this discussion but until then I hope the information I've included will help you find a way to broach this subject with her when the time is right.

    I hope some of our members who have been in a similar situation will be along soon to share their thoughts and experiences with you but whilst you wait you may be able to get further advice from Marie Curie, who specialise in caring and supporting people with a terminal illness and their families.

    We're thinking of you Lewis and sending all our strength and support your way.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator