Lost my Dad to Prostate Cancer

I've lost my darling Dad to this cruel disease, he only had 2 years following diagnosis of advanced cancer.  I don't know how to face the rest of my life without him. He was always a rock in my life, my guidance and support through everything. I cared for him in his last weeks, ran errands for him etc alongside my sister and he was so brave, but watching him deteriorate, gradually sleep more stop talking and take his last breath In a hospice was the cruelest thing.

Because he was so good at giving advice whatever it may be I always sought his help, I suffer with anxiety and would often hassle him over things a lot that I now think really don't matter and wish I'd spent more time telling him what a great dad he was and how much of an impact he'd had on my life for the better. I told him I loved him a lot, it was the last thing I said to him whenever I phoned him or saw him - but it doesn't feel like enough now, so much more I wanted to say. 

I know how much he loved me but just don't feel confident he knew it back and I miss him so much and can't say it now.

I guess I just wonder if anyone feels the same or can help me somehow.

thank you

  • Good afternoon I too lost my Dad a week ago to metastasis prostrate cancer he'd battled for years  so bravely never moaning always holding on to life as last Ng as he could and you're right we all leave saying these special words till it's too late I just wish I could turn back the clock and tell him he was the best dad in the world but as long as we are there for them when it's time to say goodbye that says it all and I'm sure they know we love them just think he's at peace 

  • Thank you for your reply and I am so sorry about your Dad. I hope you have many lovely memories of him. Mine was the same, so positive and never complained.

    I try to console myself by reminding myself I did help to look after him at home which would have showed how much I wanted to help him. I stayed with him in hospital in the days leading up to his death but I don't know much he noticed as we was not often conscious. I too wish I could tell him what a brilliant dad he was but he did hear me tell him I loved him many times over the years and every Father's Day birthday etc I tried to spoil him. We had a close relationship and emotions were not held back throughout the years but I feel so tortured by not saying thank you for being the best Dad they are only words but I would have felt such more comfort if I had managed to do so.

  • Still struggling so much.. anyone? It's been a month now and plagued with guilt for not talking to him more I was so exhausted (nothing compared to him of course) and running on autopilot.

  • I know this is a late reply but I was just wondering how you are getting on? 
    I lost my dad on the 1st august to metastatic lung cancer. My dad died suddenly at 2.50am of a haemorrhage due to the tumour in his lung. I wasn’t with him and I’ll never forgive myself. He didn’t have the death I was expecting as in admission to hospice and slowly drifting away. He deteriorated in the space of finding out the cancer had spread to his osophageous in April to April. He stopped eating and couldn’t have any chemo because he was so unwell. It was absolutely devastating to watch I’m still traumatised by watching my favourite person waste away in front of me and my mum. We tried everything and I did everything I could to keep him out of hospital. He really did fight till the end. As a health care professional I worked closely with the district nurses and took over a lot of my dads care to keep him out of hospital he wanted to stay at home even though at times i knew he would benefit from a admission. 
    I also didn’t get to say thank you or goodbye to my darling dad and it will haunt me forever. He was the best dad I could of wished for and I owe him so much. He was and still is the most important person in my life. I’m shattered, broken and devastated I didn’t get the chance to tell him how much he meant to me. My life isn’t the same without him I miss him more than I ever felt possible.  I’d give my arms and legs for half an hour with him just to tell him all the things I never got to say. He was 65 when he died and I’m 36 I feel robbed and angry that I could have had so many more years with him. It’s just not fair is it? I can’t ever see myself coming to terms with this and I don’t think I want too. How could I? 
    I just wanted to reply and see how you are getting on now. 
    much love becky xxxx

  • Hi im so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad in July also to lung cancer. He kept it hidden from us as didn't want to upset us. When he told us 3 weeks later he was in a hospice and 2 weeks later he passed away. We went to the hospice every day but on the day he passed he went 10 minutes before we arrived. I can tell from your post you feel exactly the same about your dad as I do mine. This run up to Christmas is so difficult im crying all the time. I just want my dad. I'm sorry I can't say anything to make you feel better but just know you aren't alone.

  • Thankyou for your reply xx

    Im the same I’m also crying all the time, I haven’t gone back to work yet I can’t until after Christmas. I’m far too emotional. I’m just getting by day to day and that’s enough for me. Going to the shops and supermarkets and seeing all the festive things also adverts on the tv set me off although it doesn’t take much. I’m dreading it and if it wasn’t for my children I wouldn’t do it this year but I’ve got to be strong for them and my dad would want me and my mum to pull together as he loved Christmas. But it’s so so hard. There isn’t a day that I haven’t cried since I lost him and I miss him more every day. He really was and still is my whole entire world and more. There won’t ever be another person like my dad. I hate people saying time heals all wounds because it’s absolutely impossible to heal from loosing him. I’m so sorry for your loss you also aren’t alone. From one daddy’s girl to another xxxx

  • I know what you mean if it wasn't for my girls I wouldn't do Christmas this year either. My dad was my rock I turned to him for advice all the time. I also miss telling him funny stories about what had happened in my day, he had a great sense of humour even making the nurses in the hospice laugh. All we can hope is that somewhere down the line it doesn't hurt as much although that's hard to imagine now. I think about how my dad coped when he lost his dad, he was so strong and carried on for the rest of his family so I have to try to do the same, so very difficult though. You take care xxxx

  • Reading these posts prompted me to reply as I lost my dad 20 years ago to lung cancer he was 66 and like you I not only lost my dad but my best friend. We meet up every weekend and had so much in common. Like your dads he was funny and just the best dad ever. 

    I too once thought my life would never be the same or as good without my dad and in some ways it’s not. 

    What I found is it’s not the case of ‘getting over it’ I hate that saying … why would you want to?
    but with time you come to terms with the loss. I thought this would never be possible and in some respects I didn’t want to lose my grief as it connected me to my dad. Christmas was always the worst … it’s family time getting together and the realisation dads not going to be there. 

    I found that there will always be things that trigger a memory like a song, a place or an occasion or looking through old photos But now I can remember him and the great times we had with a smile and happiness and thanking my lucky stars how lucky I was to have such a brilliant dad.

    Like you I missed not calling him and sharing my news or getting his view on things. For me it was missing the  basic things like making him a cup of tea and us eating too much cake !! Is that such a thing he would say. 

    Somehow, for me the loss and grief quietly went away and was replaced with warmth and comfort.  

    I couldn’t tell you how long it took but I knew he would have wanted me to live my best life.

    I think whilst telling someone you love them is important sometimes love doesn’t always have to be expressed verbally …I believe it’s an instinct between you and your parents …being there and sharing life together  …  you just know that you love each other.

    You sound such caring people I bet your dad knew exactly how much you loved him and that’s because he was your special dad. 

    Sending you all heart felt wishes x