Always on my mind, always in my dreams!

Hi there, my mum passed away last June from cancer and at first I was "fine" in the sense that I could go about my day without it affecting me too much. Nearly a year later and she's on my mind 24/7. I'm constantly dreaming about her and as I very much want to keep her in my thoughts, it's starting to give me slight depression and effect my mental state. I was so close to my mum she was my best friend I feel as if my mind can't comprehend the loss. I miss her so much but it's starting to take a toll on my mind. Thank you for reading and any advise would be deeply appreciated. 

  • Hello Ross.

    I'm sorry to hear of your Mums passing. 

    Grief is different for all. I was a little similar when my Dad passed away 8 years ago. I hardly grieved at first, I don't even think I cried at his funeral. 6/7 months later it hit me like a sledge hammer. I had a complete meltdown at work. I'm not sure if that was a coping mechanism - my brain was in denial to protect me emotionally or I'd just 'tuned out' so I could be strong for my mum and sister who needed me.

    There's no time limit on grief, so please be kind to yourself. 

    If you find that it's having an impact on your ability to function in your day to day, then perhaps it's time to seek grief counselling support and chat to someone or maybe speak to your GP. It's ok that it's a year down the line x


  • Hello Ross95.  Grief hits everyone differently.  Sometimes it can take months or even years to surface.  A friend of mine was fine for twenty years after the death of his baby sister, then one day he had a complete mental collapse and for the very first time he cried for her loss.  Your grief for your Mother is now becoming evident in your mind and heart, and what I would say is be kind to yourself.  Cry if you need to, don't bottle it up.  You might find that grief counselling helps.  Your Doctor can refer you .  When my Mother died I was kind of on auto-pilot for a very long time......going to work and carrying on as normal, but a few years later it hit me like a ton of bricks that my mum was really gone.  You will never stop missing your mother, but in time you learn to live with the loss, good luck mate, xx