Young adults who have a parent with cancer!

Hi all, 

Looking to talk to other young adults whose got a parent with cancer. Sometimes it can be very comforting to speak to others who are going through the same sort of thing and hopefully support one another. 

A little bit about me... I am 27 years old, April 2015 my Dad was diagnosed with stage 4 incurable bowel cancer which has spread to his lungs and liver. They offered him palliative chemotherapy. But unfortunately he's only had a couple of handfuls of chemo since last year. He's currently doing really well though and is due to receive his next lot of CT results in less than 3 weeks time. It's been extremely tough, heartbreaking, a lot of anger too but somehow we are coping as a family. Sometimes it is hard when those around me don't quite understand how it feels and that just because he's OK at the moment it doesn't mean everything's sorted. 

Hope to hear from someone soon who can relate x 

  • Hi Lena,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I've just seen your post and wanted to say I'm very sorry to read about your dad. I'm glad you've found this forum and I hope it helps for some support and a safe space to talk to others who understand.

    The thread you've posted on here is a bit of an old one, so if you don't get replies you can always post again under a new thread to hopefully get more replies.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi there ...

    I'm so so sorry your going through this heartbraking time at the moment.... esp hard at such a young age ... my niece and her family lost her partner and dad to her 5 young ones ... 

    It amazes me of the strength young ones show ... yet they grieve , from what I learned from them, in a completely different way from adults .. bless ya, your stuck right in the middle ... but they need to be given gentle truth .. they get scared when they feel others are talking in low tones and not letting them in .. depending on their age, it really is gentle honesty ... not elaborating .. not details but a simple answer to questions ... 

    When I thought my cancer was going to take me, and my 5 year old granddaughter asked if I was going to die .. I said ... well the Drs are going to TRY to help nanny ... but if I do die, I'll be a little star next to the bright one that's my mummys star ... and every night she can look up and see me... and know I'm looking down at her ... she was fine with that, as every time we saw a white feather we'd say it was sent from my mum's wings to let us know she loves us ... 

    If you call Marie Currie... look on their home page ... they are there for people in your dad's possision and their families ... ask if there's someone you can chat to, and ask advice ... I've heard some amazing things from them ...

    And keep in your heart, you will never truly loose your dad, as you are half of him .. you'll just keep him in your heart and carry him with you through life .. he will see through your eyes ...  your doing amazing for such a young one ... this is one of the hardest things you'll ever go through in life ... you need to let feelings out .. it's holding them in that does the damage .. but in balance .. if your siblings see you cry , or get upset, they will know it's o.k to show those feelings .. it's o.k to cry .. so hold on together .. look after them, but look after your heart too ...

    Thinking of you all ... Chrissie x

  • Thank you so much for your kind words, this really helped a lot. 
    I'll try calling Marie Curie. I hope you keep well and you are soon able to give your granddaughter lots of hugs when this pandemic is over.



  • Hi, I'm not sure if there's anyone whose about with the same situation as me at the moment. I'm 22 and my dad has been diagnosed with an aggressive tumour which the doctors say isn't curable. I feel really devastated and so angry that this is happening to my family, it hurts to see him deteriorate. 

    I think i'd find it useful to speak to another young adult whose in a similar situation. 

  • Awwww kids

    Forgive me for gate crashing your youngster chat, i started to read it thinking it was something my son could join as I'm a mum with incurable cancer that he's living with, his dad also died of cancer in 2011.

    Instead i've found myself heart broken for you all and gained a real insight of your suffering and pain, some of you are really young to be dealing with this (not making light of the older of the group).

    All of your parents should have a specialist nurse that you can get details of, call Macmillan , Marie Curie , your GP and if you're struggling with household chores, bills, younger siblings call social services if there is no family to help you.

    Please please don't suffer in silence , keep in touch with your buddies you've made on this site.

    Keep safe, keep strong and God bless you all.

    Thank YOU so much for inspiring me, you're all such a real credit to your parents.


  • Welcome to Cancer Chat Snow65 although I'm very sorry to hear about your dad.

    Unfortunately this particular discussion hasn't been active since June 2020 so you may not get many replies here but if you start your own discussion or use the the 'search forum' option in the purple bar above, you should be able to find more recent discussions where you can connect with others who are on this journey.

    I hope this helps and that you receive some support and advice from the community soon.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator