Hello , sending love to those who are going through similar here.
My mum has breast cancer bone Mets and has been in hospital with high calcium levels.
She's not eating and i think we're entering the last stages. She's still drinking fluid and will have one energy drink or whatever but can't stomach food .
The anxiety over knowing how long she will have is absolutely torturous and I have nobody to talk for various reasons
Can anyone help with the following please ?
How long is it to.thr 'end" when patients are barley eating ?
Does everyone look frail and thin at the end as she is still carrying weight ?
Is it normal to feel such high anxiety and sense of dread every minute which f every day ?
It's v confusing as some days she seems ok in herself and others ar just awful. It's a rollercoaster. I don't want my mum to die. Am really struggling with low mood despite having tablets from the doc
Thank you to Anyone who answers