Husband coming home and I’m scared for him

My husband went into a&e 9 weeks ago because he had lost the power in one leg. It’s turned out that he has secondary cancer in the spine… it’s untreatable ..

so he is being discharged on Tuesday at our request after a bed arrives on Monday 

Palliative care are managing his pain very well but he is still having moments of pain during the night and now starting later on in the day too .

ive just spoken to him on the phone and said he was in a lot of pain during the night and that he was just waiting on his medication.

I still want him to be home but I’m frightened of him being in pain and i won’t be able to do anything for him 

  • Hi I am so sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis.  I always think it is harder for our loved ones that the actual person with the cancer.  I have secondary breast cancer and it has gone into my pelvis, spine, ribs, skull and other bones.  My back pain is also worse in the night time.  I take a syringe of oramorph to bed with me and I can take this every two hours if necessary.  I hope he has told his specialist about the pain.  I am sorry that you are going through this.  Just being there for your husband will help him.  I have a small heated blanket that when I sit down to watch telly I switch this on behind my back and I found that this really helps with my pain.  I wish you and your husband well.  This is a good place to talk, it certainly helps me.  I am here if you need to chat.

    Lee x