Prostate treatment effects

My husband has recently been put on hormone therapy for prostate cancer. He is taking his first course of Apultamide. Two weeks in his body is covered with a red rash.It is bright red. He could not get in to see a doctor but was prescribed a hydrocortisone cream over the phone. He has tried to contact the specialist urology nurses but was unsuccessful as it was the weekend. Is this a common reaction? He does not know whether to stop taking the tablets or carry on. We can’t get hold of anyone who will give advice. Has anyone else had this reaction. Any advice would be welcome. It is quite alarming.Thankyou .

  • Hi Meggyb, and welcome, I too have prostate cancer, please keep taking the medication as prescribed until your consultant says otherwise, as a rash is a common side effect of Apalutamide, and apply the hydrocortisone as recommended, it may take a little while to show results, the rash is a nuisance than a problem, but let your team know on Monday of any concerns and I can understand your frustration with being unable to contact your team at weekends, I use the Macmillan helpline 0800 808 0000, or occasionally 111. I found soap free cleansers and moisturising "unperfumed", helped me, but ask your team/pharmacist if it's safe to do so.


  • Offline in reply to eddiel

    Thankyou so much Eddie for your reply.It was very reassuring and will follow your advice.

  • Offline in reply to Meggyb

    Your welcome, I understand it's all very new to you both, and a difficult time, i am 3 years on from diagnosis so have picked up a few things on the way, so If I can help, please just ask. can I recommend you read, fighting prostate cancer-a survival guide, by Jyoti Shah, you can read it online, best wishes.

    Eddie xx