My husband has stage four prostate cancer

My husband was diagnosed in december 2023 he had 6 rounds of chemo and hes now on darlutamide and hormome injections every 3 months .im just so scared feel like i cant talk to anyone when i look at my husband asleep in bed i just cry but i have to be strong for him hes my world 

  • When I read you look at your husband asleep in bed and cry, he's your world, my heart went out to you. I do the exact same thing and find myself quietly sobbing and stroking my husbands head as he sleeps. My husband is 57 and recently diagnosed with terminal throat & Lung Cancer. I'm beyond heartbroken, devastated and terrified to be loosing him, he's my entire universe and I can't picture my future without him. This disease is so so cruel. I'm so so sorry to hear about your husband. I totally, totally feel you.