Oesophageal cancer carer

Hello everyone

My husband is having a 12 hour operation to remove a large tumour in his oesophagus today. I am waiting to hear how it’s gone tonight. Obviously I’m extremely worried but I’m also 

extremely worried about looking after him when he returns home and cooking nutritious food that he can eat when he returns home. If anyone else can give me some advice with icoping with this problem,I would be very  grateful.There are so many products out there  for pureeing food but want to buy the right one. A scary time at the moment.

  • Hello   ,

    I'm sorry you're having such an anxious time .. My hubby had a 16 hohr surgery for oral, cancer 18 years ago. We had a dietician at the hospital and he was on prescription Fortisip for quite a time afterwards . .2 years ago he had surgery for bladder cancer and was given Fortisip again .Now I'm csring for him at home  as he has T4N1 SCC in his tongue  tonsil and jaw....terminal.. The hospital dietician is advising on diet ......there are many different types of foods which they can prescribe ...... so don't worry about buying anything until you've spoken to the dietetics team ..

    Hoping for a good outcome .


  • Hi, I had oesophageal cancer and operation in 2023 ! It is a worrying time but I was discharged with a feeding tube inserted and was able to use that at night to top up etc ! When you first come home I found I could eat very little without feeling full so little and often. The dietitian will give advice on what you can eat but very soft diet to start with I just mashed everything with a fork and just spent longer eating ! It does improve slowly with time 

  • Offline in reply to Zillah

    Hi Zillah

    It sounds as if you and your husband are having an awful time.

  • Many thanks for the info. I hope you are much better now. Can you eat a little solid food now, 

  • Hi yes I eat well now but it is a journey. It takes a while to discover what foods you can and can’t eat without upsetting or overloading your system, I found some foods I really enjoyed now upset me so avoid them now but it’s trial and error still eat small meals try the opa.org.uk for other food ideas and other useful ideas

  • Thanks again  Very kind of you  My husband is now covered in tubes and getting little sleep in hospital 

  • Offline in reply to LM1970

    Well   , we are in our 70's and have been married 56 years so it is strange to think that our life together will be coming to an end . However I have a strong faith in the promise of the resurrection ,and it helps me a great deal .

    Meanwhile we are quietly spending this time together with gratitude for what's gone before and are well supported by our daughter ,congregation ,GP and hospice . Today we drove down to the sea , 30 miles away. The sun on the water,  the turning tide .... which threw a big wave over hubby's feet .... we have to laugh and enjoy these moments .

    Hubby has had 18 more years and 2 grandsons due to an amazing surgeon back in 2008 , so we're content with the current situation.  For those on the mend .... keep strong and before too long and you'll have your life back . Hubby was back to work as a gardener 6 months after his big op. , I fed him mousses,  souffles and ice cream as well as butter and cream  to fatten him up , he misses peanuts and pork crackling but was eating more or less everything until this new cancer . ...so it's back to basics . In a way its easier as we've been through it before   but I pray that all of you get well soon and never have to face this again. 

    Z xx

  • Offline in reply to Zillah

    Many thanks for your uplifting words. Such a struggle for you both for 18 years. Xxx