My Dad is 94 with stage four Bowel and Prostate cancer.

My Dad is 94 years old. Up until four months ago he was so independent. He looked after himself and lived on his own after my Mum died 6 years ago from Alzheimer’s. Dad had been losing blood for a while but never told us. We got him to do a FIT test and on 18 September he was diagnosed with Bowel Cancer and suspected Prostate cancer (which is now confirmed) and it had spread to his lymph nodes. He had a colonography to confirm the cancer and from that day he has gone down hill. He was so strong up to then, gardening, driving, shopping, doing jobs for neighbours. From the 18th Sept my sister and myself have been staying with him a week at a time as he can’t be on his own now. He still manages to get up get dressed and come downstairs and manages to go upstairs for a nap in the afternoon and gets himself ready for bed at night. He is so exhausted but he is very proud and won’t let us help with his personal care. He doesn’t want carers in to help (yet). We tend to all his other needs. We were given a prognosis of 6 months to two years but the way he is deteriorating we don think he will last 6 months. Although we are 3 and a half months down the line and he is not bed ridden yet. Has anyone had a similar experience that would share their thoughts with me. I would be very grateful. Thank you