Hey all
Just writing this post out of desperation as i don't know what to do.
My colleague/friend has recently been diagnosed with kidney cancer.
Just for some background, we ar both in our early 30s. We have always had a rocky and toxic relationship which did involve a fling for a time and it has always been a very turbulent relationship but we would text everyday and were very close.
Obviously upon hearing the news we have dropped any issues we had and I have trying to be supportive and tried to help in any way I can. Our relationship has always predominately been very text heavy but I have been texting to check in every day, trying to distract him when he feels stressed/worried and trying to support in any way that he needed as well as meeting up a few times
However over the last few days he has completely turned on me, ripping apart my character and started being extremely volatile and hurtful saying very hurtful things like i 'wished this on him' and that my support is a 'facade' and if I don't respond fast enough he says that I have 'abandoned him in a time of need' it's just a stream of nasty messages from morning to night.
I am a bit shaken by all this, before diagnosis he did have spats of rage but now I cannot retaliate because I'd the sympathy I feel for him going through this.
I have had to say that I need to take a step back a bit for my own mental health but now I feel like the world's worst person when he is going through so much and I just don't know what to do. I understand he may feel angry due to all that is happening to him but I'm finding it very hard to know how to help when he is treating me like this. I also am conscious that I don't eant to add more stress to his life
Am I a bad person for having to take a step back?