Stage 4 melanoma

My partner was diagnosed with Stage 3 Melanoma in 2019 with an unknown primary. He had a radical neck dissection and a year on targeted treatment. He was clear up until April last year, it had come back but in his liver and leg. He was put on ipi/nivo but only managed 3 doses before spending a month in hospital due to hepatitis toxicity. He then went back onto targeted drug therapy but unfortunately this stopped working 3 months ago. He then went onto opdualag immunotherapy and it seemed a promising new drug. 4th treatment and his scan results show it has not helped and the tumours continue to grow. The only option now is clinical trials and the complete unknown. He was early thirties when this started and I am just hitting 30. 

Does anyone have any information on what to expect with clinical trials? 

  • No knowledge of trials as pembrolizumab is working for my partner. He's stage 4, had a radical neck dissection only to find out it was already stage 4 after biopsies on another area during the op showed it had travelled there. It's horrible. I'm sorry your partner is going through it so young. It's really not fair. Someone at the dermatology waiting room recognised my partner's scar and guessed his diagnosis then showed his own. It's a *** club to be a member of.

  • I am glad its working for your partner and wish you all the best. Horrible disease. The scar is definitely a unique one. 

  • Hi Stable2021,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis and treatment problems. Can I suggest you check out the Melanoma Focus website  They have a melanoma Trial finder which may be helpful and also a dedicated nurses helpline where you could ask any questions you have. They are a great resource for treatment options. Meanwhile I will send you a friend request in case you would like to chat by private message. Take care & I hope you find a treatment that works.

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009)

  • Thank you so much for reaching out, I will have a look on there. Referrals have gone out to cambridge and london to see what is currently available. We are also doing all our research. Thanks again, take care x