My mum just diagnosed with colon cancer with liver and lung mets

My mum was just diagnosed with colorectal cancer that's spread to her liver and lungs. It came after a routine scope so the news was like been hit with a sledge. She is so healthy at the moment there's no way anyone could have known. I'm absolutely terrified about everything - the future, what it means for my Dad and how he'll cope. Yesterday was a bad day where could barely hold it together. I don't know what to do or how to be. Meeting with the oncologist on Monday. 

  • Hi Lilytone20,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm very sorry to hear of the situation with your mum, I can of course completely imagine how difficult this must be to process.

    I see that you have a meeting today - hopefully this will be an opportunity for you to find out more and to understand potential next steps. This may be a little helpful in terms of understanding what to potentially expect.

    I hope that this forum can be of some support to you - we are always here if you need it, and if's often helpful to write things down and to connect with others.

    Keep speaking to those around you and take things a day at a time. Look after yourself and as I say, we are always here for you.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator