Sister has stage 4 advanced lung cancer. I feel she might be nearing the end

Hi, ive joined here today because I don't know where else to turn, my sister has stage 4 lung cancer thats now spread, she is under six stone and eating or swallowing is difficult for her, some family members feel the need to tell her she's not helping herself by not trying to eat, but this is so unfair, my sister is skin and bone and very grey, ive been to every doc appointment sat in hospital day and night and walked by her side every step of way, im now in a state of dread and anxiety before seeing her because I feel the time is nearing, im scared to ask her nurse though, I don't cry in front of her but fo when I'm at home so I feel I grieve a little every day , I just need someone to tell me she's nearing the end so I can help her digest this. Thank you for listening.

  • Hello frannypants first I want to send you a hug as I know how hard this is for you. I lost my brother to cancer this year and all I can say although we weren’t told how long, my gut just knew it wasn’t long. Looking back I can see how poorly he was in pictures so if you sense your sister is near the end, please say everything you want to say now as tomorrow may not be guaranteed. The nurses suggested to us very near the end to tell him it’s ok to leave us, this isn’t easy trust me it’s the last thing any of us wanted but he needed peace. Take care

  • Hi I'd also like to send you a hug and applaud your bravery and remarkable courage. I'm contacting you as it seems your diagnosis and experience is similar to what I'm searching for. My ex who is the mother of our 3 beautiful children was diagnosed with lung cancer early this year. However due to our current relationship I've Neen unable to determine any facts relating to her prognosis  all I know is what has been expressed in reports. Firstly she required an operation in January on her lung that's all I know on the operation. It was then stated that weekly hospital visits afterwards were necessary. I'm presuming this would be for the chemotherapy? However a further report this month has given evidence that the weekly hospital visits are still taking place 6 months later. My children all expressed the sadness of missing thier mam due to her being in hospital all the time. This was then corrected to be on weekends. It seems Jenn goes onto hospital during the weekend. Leaving our children in the care of her 2 eldest boys 17(also an ADHD sufferer) and 19 respectively. This really puts the situation into perspective for the children at school all week with already limited time with thier mam but only now  not even seeing her on weekends. So with this information can you possibly advise on the severity of the cancer and possibly if it sounds aggressive? Time remaining left? I can't find out anything factual myself . I'd appreciate any help you can give. Thank you and God blessq

  • My sister died of lung cancer 2 years ago it's very very hard so I know how you feel

    Take care x

  • I am so sorry to hear this, not only are you sad for your kids but want to protect them, my sister was diagnosed last may 3 weeks later she had a 9cm tumour cut out and we where told it was successful, she stayed in hospital for 3weeks then came home, 1 week after that she had 12 weeks of chemo, 1 month after chemo she was sent for a scan to be told its returned and the only thing they could do was give her quality over quantity, unfortunately she had severe reactions to the biologics they gave her, this has been rapid and I'll be very surprised if we have 2 weeks left, all I could suggest is maybe you could enquire if there was anything more you could do regarding the kids and hopefully some TLC with them may help. Your in my thoughts.


  • I'm sorry for your loss, I definitely feel your pain and ive not reached that final moment yet, sometimes I feel like om drowning, grief is such a brutal part of any loss.

    Fran x