Husband has Metastatic melanoma. Feeling angry at the world and my friends for being able to have normal lives. Does anyone else feel like this?

My husband was diagnosed in October with metastatic melanoma, he’s 53 & it was a bolt out of the blue!! It’s left us completely devastated, weve only been married two years although together 22 yrs. He’s been doing so well this last week the best he’s been since diagnosis and then a few days ago he went downhill back to feeling sick and exhausted :(  Today I feel angry at the world, I hate my friends for being able to go on holiday or sit in the garden laughing and enjoyIng life , I would give anything in this world to make him better to be able to live a little. Does anyone else feel like this? I feel so selfish and guilty for having these feelings.

  • Hi JoV and a warm welcome to our forum, 

    I am sorry to hear about your husband's metastatic melanoma diagnosis - I can imagine this has been a bit of a shock to you both and has shaken your world. Seeing him suddenly go downhill like that must be so hard to watch and it's therefore totally normal to feel a bit angry at the world; it is painful for you to see the man you love so sick and exhausted and it can be hard as a result to see your friends carrying on with their life as normal laughing and enjoying life. Don't feel selfish or guilty for having these feelings - it is totally understandable that you are feeling this way and it simply means that you miss this normal life you used to have and which can be suddenly taken away from you. This is why coming to Cancer Chat can help, because on this forum you will meet others who are sadly going through something similar and who know like you do that these happy moments, laughing and enjoying life can't be taken for granted and I hope that you will meet others here who find themselves in a similar boat and who truly understand how you are feeling at the moment. 

    We're thinking of you and your husband during this difficult time and wanted you to know that you are not alone - feel free to come here and offload if it all gets too much. No one here will judge you, on the contrary, members of our community can truly relate to how you are feeling and I am sure they will have the right words for you and that they will drop by and say hello and share their story with you. 

    Best wishes, 
    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Yes that’s exactly how I feel -my world has caved in since my son’s pancreatic tumour diagnosis two weeks ago and yet everyone seems to be able to carry on as normal . My ex ( my sons dad) has gone on holiday for 5 days , my husband has continued to socialise, my friends are busy doing their usual busy stuff and I’m here -150 miles away from my home caring for my very sick son . 
    I know life goes on but it’s so hard and we haven’t had the results of the biopsy yet so life could indeed get very dark for him.

    I don’t think there is an answer … we just have to take one day at a time and try to remain hopeful