I need help understanding nasal tumours

If someone has late stages of nasal cancer that has started to block tear duct and has now grown into eye muscle causing eye to tilt. Is this severely painful for someone that is on steroids already for something? Do steroids do much for pain. Just want to know how painful it is for them.

  • Welcome to the forum Beezy although I'm sorry for the reason you're joining us.

    Unfortunately I can't answer the questions you've asked but our very friendly and insightful team of cancer nurses should be able to help, so if you'd like to speak to them about this, do be sure to give them a call next week on 0808 800 4040. Their phone lines are open Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m, and they will do all they can to give the answers you are seeking at this time.

    Hopefully some of our members, if they have any experience of this, will stop by when they can to share their experiences with you as well.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Steph, my Mum has been diagnosed with a very rare tumour in the sinus cavity at top of her nose. It started with nosebleeds, misdiagnosed twice and is very fast growing. In two weeks, her eye began bulging and tilting. Steroids can help certain pains but not this kind of issue. Mum has been given Oramorph and that makes her nauseous and does little else except make her drowsy. She described it as the worst headache as if your head wants to burst and pressure is in eye, nose and face. You lose sense of taste and smell and your ears block with the pressure. It sounds absolutely horrible and no one should have to suffer the indignity and pain of cancer. I hope I have helped you understand the level of pain they have. 
    Kind Regards, Lex

  • Offline in reply to Lexcal

    Sorry Beezy not Steph, it’s my first post!

  • Offline in reply to Lexcal

    Thank you for this info. So did the oramorph lessen the pain at all do you know? 

    Many thanks, Beezy

  • Offline in reply to Beezy

    Hey Beezy, Yes it’s helped the pain and helps her to sleep too which is always a good thing as it’s important that they get a proper restful sleep. Hope that helps, Lex

  • Offline in reply to Beezy

    Yes it has helped Beezy and helps Mum to sleep and it’s restful. 
    Hope that helps, Lex