Anger and resentment

My husband has pancreatic cancer with Mets to liver and has been in hospice for 3 weeks. They sent him home for 1 night then had to take him back the next day. Everything fine until yesterday when he turned really nasty to me and my daughter. He accused us of dumping him in there and said the most awful things which I pray we can forget in time. Tried again today but nothing. Wouldn’t even look at us never mind speak. Nurse came in and he told her to tell us to leave which we did. 
For the last 27 months he has told me he wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for me and now this. I know it is the cancer but it hurts so much. My daughter is in bits. 
has anyone else experienced this please because I feel so alone in all this. I keep thinking he’s going to die hating me after 34 lovely years

  • Hello LyndaG, and first of all may I say how sorry I am for what you, your daughter and your husband are going through.  As you have discovered, cancer can do awful things to a person's thought processes.  Many years ago I took care of my Mum when she was dying from cancer, and finally she had to go in to hospital.  I went to visit her one night (after I had put in a full day's work at my job) and she said something so hurtful to me, that even now, nearly 30 years later, it brings tears to my eyes when I think about it.  However, I eventually realised that this wasn't my REAL Mum was the cancer and also the powerful drugs she was on that was making her behave out of character.  Please don't think that your husband hates you.........he doesn't.  He hates the cancer, and as so often happens in life, when we are miserable and sad, we take it out on those we love.  In fact, I know for sure that if my Mum could come back just for five minutes, she would apologise to me.  I know it is VERY hard to understand that the person you love so much can be so unkind,  but it really isn't personal.  I am certain that your husband meant every word he said when he told you that he wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you.......he appreciates you and he loves both you and your daughter, please don't ever doubt it.  Cancer really messes with a person's mind.  I hope that I have given you a little bit of reassurance, and once again, so sorry for what you are going through.