Hello, I am 19 years of age. These past two months I've been having ongoing testicle pain while sitting down, it's like a dull ache and it comes and goes. I've been to the doctors about it and I was told I might have something called "epididymitis". However I am so worried about it as i've taken one weeks worth of antibiotics to treat it and the pain is still there. I cant feel a lump whats so ever but it feels a bit sore to touch at the tube? of the testicle. I've had all blood tests and the GP felt my testicle and said it feels fine. Im just so worried, I just feel like i need some type of advice.
To add, ive been having lower back pain when sitting/laying down and I've been having to clear my throat of mucus, I recently went for an X-Ray on my chest to see if there was any anomalys but my lungs were fine.