Hard Lump Over Rib

Hi all,

I've had a hard, non-moveable lump over one of my ribs for just over a year. I've had an x-ray which was normal, but I'm now waiting for an ultrasound. The lump is growing and is painful at rest.

After I've had the ultrasound I'm going to be referred to see a sarcoma specialist. As sarcoma is rare, I think seeing a specialist will be important even if the ultrasound doesn't show anything. I don't want to take any chances, especially because it's growing.

Waiting for results has been so stressful and I had one GP doctor who completely dismissed my worries despite the warning signs.

I'm under 20 years old, so this has been super worrying for me.


  • Hello and thanks for your post

    I'm sorry to read about your situation.There are many reasons for lumps and bumps to appear and most  won't be the result of anything serious, so try not to worry too much. In very rare circumstances a lump may be the result of a soft tissue sarcoma, but it really isn’t all that common,so another explanation is much more likely.

    Lipomas are much more common.These are a non cancerous (benign) lump that forms due to an overgrowth of fat cells.You can read more about this at this link.  But it’s best to get checked out just to be on the safe side.

    It sounds like your doctor is now taking your symptoms seriously as they have arranged for you to have an ultrasound and are going to refer you to a specialist.

    I hope you know more about your situation soon.

    Kind regards,


  • Hi [@Thisiszebra]‍ i'm sorry your having to go through all of this.  just read your post and I'm experiencing exactly the same symptoms I'm just waiting for an ultrasound and am really worried. Doctors are telling me it's unlikely to be anything to worry about and I've googled my symptoms and found nothing, apart from your post. I wondered did you ever get any answers?

  • My 7 year old has this. His doesn't hurt but he has an inverted nipple at that side and swollen lymph node at the opposite side plus a rash on his chest. The doctor is unsure what it is and has referred to ultrasound who said they can't see him and referred to a breast unit but a month on he still hasn't got an appointment l. It's very worrying 

  • My son has a lump too on his ribs which didn't show up on an x-ray. He had a blood test which was clear.  I wondered if you found out what it was you had? Did you have a clear blood test? My son is 22 and I'm worried about him. Thanks


  • Hello Lamb229 and thank you for your post. I am sorry to learn that you are worried about your son.

    Thisiszebra has not been active on Cancer Chat for many months now and so I am doubtful that they will reply to your post. Even if they did, the answer could not tell you what your son's lump is. This is because lumps can develop for a number of different reasons and in most cases they are not due to cancer. In fact cancer would be very uncommon in someone of your son's age.

    It is not clear from your post, if your son is going to have any more tests or if he has had an explanation about what is causing the lump. If he remains concerned he would need to discuss it again with his GP. 

    I can understand that worry goes with the territory of being a parent and this still applies even when the child is all grown up.  So I do hope that there are some answers soon.

    Please get back to us if you have any other questions  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,


  • Hi,

    Thank you for responding to my post.  He had an appointment with a consultant to investigate it but he decided to cancel it which is why I'm concerned. He decided that if his bloods are clear then it's nothing and he's 'not bothered' about following it up. It's a hard lump which didn't show up in the X-ray and his doctor seemed concerned about it.  Unfortunately, he won't listen to me so I thought I would look online to see if anyone else had something similar but when you search for lumps on the ribs only breast or lung cancer comes up and I know it won't be that.

    Thanks anyway,


  • I've had a small lump of bone in my rib for a couple of years, but its just started recently getting bigger..... there's been no trauma to the area and figured since I've had it so long and I'm not dead... then it can't be too serious... but is starting g to get uncomfortable when I lie on that side 

  • Sounds a bit like his. It was painful to start with and he thought he was a bit breathless but I suppose they're not necessarily related. He hadn't had any recent traumas either. He's got another appointment to see a Consultant this month and I really hope he doesn't cancel again, not least because they're busy enough at the moment, but if he finds anything out I'll post it on here.

  • Hello HandyMatt and thank you for your post,

    Do go and get a GP appointment about this especially as it is now feeling uncomfortable.  While I or no one here can tell you what is the matter, most lumps and bumps do turn out not to be cancer but it is still worth getting it checked out.

    I hope you are able to get an appointment with your GP about this.  During the pandemic this may be a telephone call and your GP might want to you send a picture of this area on a link they will send to you. If your GP needs to see you then that will be arranged.

    I hope this will be okay. Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,


  • Hey I have a hard, painful but movable lump at the very bottom of my rib is it anything to worry about?