Hard Lump Over Rib

Hi all,

I've had a hard, non-moveable lump over one of my ribs for just over a year. I've had an x-ray which was normal, but I'm now waiting for an ultrasound. The lump is growing and is painful at rest.

After I've had the ultrasound I'm going to be referred to see a sarcoma specialist. As sarcoma is rare, I think seeing a specialist will be important even if the ultrasound doesn't show anything. I don't want to take any chances, especially because it's growing.

Waiting for results has been so stressful and I had one GP doctor who completely dismissed my worries despite the warning signs.

I'm under 20 years old, so this has been super worrying for me.


  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    We are unable to diagnose anyone over the forum but if this is causing you some discomfort it is best to get it looked at.

    We often have people complaining about lumps and there is usually a medical explanation far less serious then cancer but it is good to find out what it is and get to the bottom as to why it is causing you pain.

    Even though it is interesting hearing about other members of the forum everyone's situation is very different so it is difficult to compare peoples lumps.

    I hope this helps.

    All the Best,


  • Hello, sorry to hear about this, I'm twenty two and I feel like I'm worried about every lump and bump at the moment but I'm worries about a lump on my left rib cage which to be honest I'm not sure if I can even move or not, it's under the skin and like half way down my rib cage, and now I'm aware of it I'm feeling it all the time in hope it's gone away

    i have just started noticing it, when is the best time to go to the doctors as I feel like I'm always there at the moment? I don't want to be an inconvenience but then I'm worried that something is wrong, what shall i do, thank you  

  • Hello, and thank you for contacting us. 

    I'm afraid that neither the nurses nor anyone on this forum will be able to tell you if there is anything the matter. What I can tell you is that cancer is more unusual in your age range.

    This said, we would always recommend that if anyone is concerned about a new symptom or change in your body, it is important to get it checked out properly, you would not be an inconvenience.

    You mention you are at the doctors quite regularly, anxiety around health is very common, and maybe this is also something you can also talk through with the GP. Here is some information on dealing with anxiety which may be helpful. 

    Take care and hopefully you will know more soon.


  • Hi I'm worried about a bone under my left breast it feel likes it's my rib, I been  to the doctors and he said my breast feels clear no lumps or anything there but he referred me for a scan and waiting for that, he said he doesn't think it's anything serious or cancer but I'm still worrying, he counted my ribs and it was my 6th rib he could feel sticking out but is right under my breast feels like it's in my breast when laying down but when o sit up you can hardly feel it.  Any advice what it could be 

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    Unfortunately, we can't tell you what it could be, it is probably your normal anatomy, as bones can differ slightly in appearance in different people.

    Your GP is trained to examine for abnormalities, and doesn't seem to be concerned, so try to not over worry about this. He has ordered the scan to confirm this, and to reassure you.

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi there did anyone find anything out about their rib lumps? I have the same, i had an ultrasound which revealed nothing followed by an xray which also revealed nothing, and the doctor told me there is nothing showing.


    I would like to ask if i should get a 2nd opinion and if there are other tests I would request be done.

    Ghe lump makes wearing bra difficult (tender) and is noticable through the skin. It has definatly grown, but i cant tell you by how much. If i touch it or rub it, it does end up feeling tender and sore for a while.

    I also get pins and needles in that arm sometimes at night when lying on my side. The doctor knew about the strange feelings in my arm but have discounted everything.


    Should I revist them to probe deeper into this?


    Would an xray whow up bone cancr/tumours?


    Thanks for any help

  • Hi there

    As it has been a while since anyone posted on this thread it is unlikely anyone else will get back to you. Even if they did you can't really compare stories as everyone is so different.

    I'm afraid we can't diagnose you here and would suggest if you are still concerned you go back to your doctors to talk things through.

    Lumps and bumps can appear for lots of reasons but most won't be linked to cancer.

    Lumps on the ribs are sometimes a normal part of our anatomy or caused by a build up of fatty tissue called a lipoma or the result of an injury or inflammation.

    It is good news that nothing abnormal  showed up on the ultrasound or x-ray that you had. 

    Both these tests are good at picking up abnormal or suspicious areas that may need further investigating, so if all looked normal this is reassuring.

    Ribs can be painful to touch and if you prod and poke around too much this may irritate the area further, so try and resist if you can.

    It may be worth try wearing a different bra, maybe a wider strap or one without wiring to see if this helps. If you are experiencing pain and discomfort try some pain killers to see if this eases things as well.

    As I say if you remain worried or symptoms worsten get back in touch with your GP so they can reassess the situation.

    All the best
