Grading & malignancy given at endoscopy?

Our world was rocked this week when my dad was told following an endoscopy that he has 2 grade 2 malignant tumours in his lower oesophagus. They took biopsies & he will be going for a CT in 2 weeks. 
One thing im struggling with is the diagnosis of cancer, which is incredibly distressing for our family, without the biopsy results. Is this a normal thing to happen without the biopsy? 
Just to clarify, this was a print out of their findings & conclusion given to my dad, not simply a verbal discussion. 
I cant accept that this is the prognosis without the biopsy & CT results as well & I just wondered what would be normal practice with this kind of thing? 

  • Not the same procedure but I was told I had cancer immediately after a colo. I don't think a diagnosis would be given unless they were sure.

    I hope things go well for your Dad. There are various support groups for different types of cancer so it might help you call to check some of them out.

  • Thank you & thank you for taking the time to reply. 

  • Hello and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your dad's situation. This must be a difficult time for you all.

    I am also sorry to hear that your dad heard about it on a print out rather then in a face to face meeting.

    Although the doctors can get a good idea whether cancer is present this would need to be confirmed by the report from the pathologist and the CT scan results.

    It probably would be more usual for a doctor to discuss results with a patient first but without being involved in your dad's care it is difficult to know how this may have happened. I do suggest that your dad speaks to the doctor about this if he feels that he is able to do so.

    You may find it helpful that if you are next of kin that you attend the next meeting with your dad.

    Once the doctors have got all the information from the pathologist and the scans all his team involved in his care will meet to discuss his case.

    You can read about these Meetings here.

    I can understand that waiting during this time can be quite stressful for you all. Your dad may be given a specialist cancer nurse who will hopefully be also able to help answer any questions and help with support and any appointments..

    I do hope that your dad knows more soon.

    You and your dad are more then welcome to ring and chat through any of this with one of the helpline nurses.

    Our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040.

    All the best,
