High risk HPV 3 years and 2 years CIN1

Hi I'm hoping someone can help settle my mind. I've always had clear smear tests until 3 years ago....it came back with high risk hpv and no cell changes.....I then went back the following year for my smear and it came back high risk hpv with cell changes....at that point I then went for a colposcopy. It was determined that I had CIN1.

This year I went for my smear and it came back with high risk hpv and cell changes again....another colposcopy and just been told today CIN1 again. My concern is that this time I went back I also had a polyp removed from my cervix (the second one I have had) and the doctor sat with me and made a care plan moving forward. She said because of my age (40) and the fact that I don't want anymore children and that I'm a very anxious person that they would now do treatment for any cell changes when the results came back. 

Today when i got my letter it said come back in another year. I am beyond upset as we had put a plan in place and I feel I have been forgotten like a sitting duck. I know it could be so much worse but the anxiety it gives me waiting to be told its still there every year is really putting me off having any more smears. 

Any advise welcome 

  • Chances are it was a letter that automatically gets sent out.

    Give them a call, ask to speak to the drs pa or secretary and say you thought you had a plan in place but received a letter.

    They will advise you further. 

    If you had a plan in place, it's unlikely that would have changed without discussing it with you first. 

  • Hi there and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear about you having abnormal cervical screening results you have had the past few years and the anxiety it is causing.

    Cervical screening as you will know is all about prevention by detecting abnormality at an early stage where it can either be monitored or treated until everything returns to normal.

    Each screening programme follows strict criteria about what needs to happen depending on the results and usually a result of CIN1 isn't treated as this usually resolves by itself. However I can appreciate the worry this is causing you and suggest you get back in touch with the colposcopy unit. It is important to discuss what the doctors spoke to you about your appointment about removing the abnormal cells regardless of the biopsy result and see what they say.

    I hope this gets resolves so you can have some peace of mind.

    All the best
