Skin discoloration on Picc line arm

I've had my Picc line in since September and in the last couple of months I have noticed some discoloration of my skin on that arm. It looks like my arm is dirty and mottled. I have spoken to the chemo nurses about this but no one has any answers.

Is this normal?

There is not pain and my line, apart from blocking sometimes, is all clear. The skin around the line is clear. 

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    You asked about skin discolouration around your PICC line. This does happen, and can vary from individual to individual patient.

    It can be a localised effect for the surrounding skin from the drugs being given into the veins. There can be a reaction in the small blood vessels and capillaries from increased use of the veins having drugs through them. It will probably persist for the duration of the treatment, and should fade slowly as treatment ends. Some people just have different skin and vein composition which makes this more likely to occur.

    I hope this helps.

    Best wishes,
