Blue badge

Can you have a blue parking badge if you are having radiotherapy treatment 

  • Hi NellyB, and welcome, as cancer is classified as a disability the simple answer is yes but things are never that simple, I have one due to my cancer, and was helped by Macmillan in applying, though I'm sure CRUK can help too, best wishes with your treatment, and getting a blue badge.


  • Hi there and thanks for the post

    If a patient is having cancer treatment they may be eligible for free or discounted parking at the hospital so it is worth asking about this.

    Some cancer patients will be eligible to apply for a blue badge if they have mobility issues that can be read more about on the Macmillan website. There is a full list of criteria on the GOV.UK website as well, so do take a look.

    I hope this helps, please get back in touch if you have more questions.

    All the best
