If you had a bilateral Salpingo-oopherectomy, with ovarian cyst, endometriosis lesions in pelvis and multiple adhesions attaching omental and uterus to anterior abdominal wall. Which was all dealt with in laparoscopy 4 weeks ago.
ca125 was 12, MRI showed all of above but nothing suspicious for cancer.
but 2.5 weeks post laparoscopy consultant (who is a oncologist laproscopy specialist) has an MDT meeting about you. They’ve written to GP about the meeting but I cannot access the letter as Dr hasn’t processed it yet receptionist said and as Xmas & New Year tricky.
MY Question is: Would they have an MDT meeting about me anyway or could tissue results be cancerous? Do they have MDT meetings for my above circumstances in other words.
I’ve spent Xmas & New Year petrified it’s ovarian cancer and nobody to ask.
many thanks