11mm Endometrial Polyp and 15mm lining


I had an ultrasound 8 months ago that shown what looks like a 11mm polyp and 15mm endometrial lining. (I’m pre menopausal)
The ultrasound was due to heavy bleeding, bleeding in between periods and after intercourse, pain etc. Symptoms are getting worse.

I’ve been told it’s a 6 month wait to remove the polyp and do a biopsy. Is this the right process? I’ve already waited 8 months just to see a gynaecologist.

I’m just worried that it could be something sinister and I’m having to wait over a year all together to be checked.

Also, am I able to request another ultrasound to see if anything has changed or does that sound unreasonable or pointless? I’m not sure who I can ask these questions to and it’s really stressing me out…

Thank you!

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    I can appreciate your concern.

    All referrals are assessed initially by the gynaecology triage team. Bleeding issues and polyps are common in pre menopausal women, and not usually due to cancer. Womb thickening (hyperplasia) is also common, and often related to hormone levels changing, or fluctuating. Overall, womb cancer tends to affect women who are older, and post menopausal. 

    If you are anxious, try and talk this through with your GP. Unfortunately, there is an increase in waiting times in the NHS, and I don't have an easy answer for you. 

    You could try contacting the NHS Trust PALS (patient advice liason service), or the gynaecology department, to get a steer on the likely wait time.

    I am sorry we can't be of more help on this occasion.

    Best wishes,


  • Hi Gracie, is there any way we can private message? I want to share my experience with waiting times and hopefully help a bit but I don’t want to share on a public forum? Xxx

  • Hi Joanie.xa and welcome to the forum.

    I just wanted to confirm that private messaging is available on the forum.

    I hope our guides on how to use private messaging and managing your friends list will help you get started but if you have any problems, just let me know and I'll do what I can to help.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator