Extreme pain on Zoladex

I thought my case was simple. Symptomless PC confined within the capsule. My treatment plan is 6 months of HT followed by external beam RT this coming October 2024. I am 73, fit and active. Simples ! However on my second month of Zoladex the side effects are kicking in. Hot flashes and severe pain centred on my upper arms, shoulders and upper back ONLY AT NIGHT? I cannot distinguish whether it is muscular, joint or God forbid in the bones. I suspect it may be a drainage cause only happening whilst lying prostrate (excuse the pun) This obviously wrecks my sleep. I find myself wandering around the house, moving from bedroom to bedroom to lounge in search of the right temperature and a comfortable support. Low level depression is kicking in. Strangely, once up and moving, it all goes away until the next night. My Oncologist has suggested pain killers. I take standard Ibuprofen and Paracetamol which is mostly ineffective. Does anybody recognise this stuff? Can anybody offer any help. Please.

  • Hello WESTBROOK and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about the side effects that you are experiencing. You sound like you are having an awful time.

    We do have some information on our website about Zoladex (Goserlin) side effects

    I can understand how continually having your sleep affected can really effect your general well-being. We have some information  about sleeping problems and how to manage them which you might find helpful to look at.

    If you continue to have hot flushes do ask your consultant if there is anything that you can take to help control these. We do have some information about hot flushes and tips on how to help control them. Some men find that doing yoga or relaxation techniques or even acupuncture may help.

    Prostate Cancer UK also have some tips on how to manage hormone side effects.

    You have posted on 'ask the nurses' but if you post on another thread or start your own you might find that you get more comments from others going through similar treatments.

    There is an organisation called Tackle. There are a nationwide charity that help men set up support groups or helps them start their own. You may find it helpful to get in contact with the charity to find out more.

    It is still early days since you have started the treatment and hopefully with time your side effects will be better controlled or you will find ways to manage them. Do continue to feed back to your oncologist if you are finding these side effects difficult to deal with.

    If you would like to chat through any of this with one of the nurses then you are welcome to give us a ring. Our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and our lines are open Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the best,


  • Thank you for your prompt reply and superb advice. I am following some already. I have a phone consultation with my GP this afternoon. She may offer sleeping pills for the short term. Thanks again