Sedation/pain relief for Endometrial Biopsy


I am having an endometrial biopsy in a couple of weeks, I understand it is considered to be fairly painless and cramping but - as someone who hasn't had children and had a horrific experience when I had a coil fitted. Just the thought of it is making me feel queasy and light headed. Is there anything that I can request or I am I expected to grin and bear it : (

  • Had this procedure recently and was advised to dose up on pain relief beforehand. Info was provided appointment letter but you can always call the relevant dept.  I think I was also given local anaesthetic but to be honest may be mis-remembering as so many procedures recently! I

    It wasn't pleasant but for me I find it helps to think along the lines of "by x o'clock this will be over".

    Hope it goes well for you.

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    I can appreciate your concern about your planned biopsy.

    Most womb biopsies are straightforward and well tolerated by the women undergoing them. They can be uncomfortable but not painful. They will use lubrication and introduce the instruments slowly. There can be period type cramping, and some vaginal bleeding for a while afterwards. Taking painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, and avoiding strenuous activity afterwards helps. 

    You should receive patient information about it beforehand. There is information from an NHS Trust about the procedure

    Do let the doctor know how you feel about it. They will do their best to put you at ease during the procedure.  

    I hope that it goes well for you. 

    Best wishes,
