smear results

hi so i recieved my smear results yesterday and it says i am hpv positive which is fine i understand thats common but it also says when they test for abnormalities my cervical cells show changes so i have been referred for an urgent colposcopy within the next 2 weeks! this is my absolute biggest fear, i lost my 41 year old husband nearly a year ago to aggressive high grade b cell lymphoma in his bone marrow and i have 2 small children (2&5). the nurse who did my smear said i have an ectropian cervix which used to bleed quite often after intercoarse when my husband was alive. has any1 had this also with the cervix issue and it not been cancer? i really need a bit of hope here but im thinking the worst and i cant stop it. thankyou so much for reading x

  • Hello and thank you for your post,

    I was sorry to hear that your husband recently died from cancer, this must be a difficult time for you and your family. I can appreciate that finding out you have abnormal cells, is worrying for you.

    The cervical screening programme aims to check the health of the cervix, it is screening for human papillomavirus (HPV). If HPV is found then a further test is done to check for abnormal cells. The important thing to know is these are not cancer cells. However, if left untreated, at some point the cells may change and become cancer cells.  Therefore cervical screening is not a test for cancer, it is a test to prevent cancer.

    If HPV and abnormal cells are found you are invited to have a colposcopy so that the cervix can be examined more closely and biopsies taken. Treatment may also be done in the same appointment.  Having HPV and abnormal cells are very common and a lot of women will experience this. 

    I hope this helps a little. Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care, all the best


  • Hello I wanted to offer you some reassurance. Firstly I’m so sorry for the loss of your husband, I lost my brother this year aged 39 and send you a big hug. I too had an abnormal smear with positive HPV in between having my children, had the colonoscopy and had to have some cells removed. I also had pain and bleeding when I had sex. It’s such a long process I’m sorry you’re really going through it. I’ve had normal smears since, along with a worrying one last year which turned out to be just fine. It’s so hard, I had to wait over a year for mine and got my results just a few weeks after the loss of my brother. Here if you need a chat, stay strong and try not to overthink it (easier said than done I know) xx

  • so i went to speak to a nurse today at the drs surgery as i was really confused n panicky about the letter. when i got in there i told her i was panicking and had googled it n by the looks of it my results were pointing towards cancer n she nodded and said yes its highly likely but its a query at this point, i tested pos for hpv as i said before but on the nurses letter it was a lot more detailed than the 1 i recieved which im guessing was so not to panic me? anyway shes wrote down the things they said and i tested positive for high grade dyskariosis which i believe is the pre cancerous cells but she said they will decide next week at the colpposcopy wether they can be burnt away on the spot or if i will need a hystorectomy. the query is on invasive squamous cell carcinoma? from what i can gather they wouldnt even be querying that if it hadnt shown in my smear in the first place so im absolutely terrified! im 41 and i have never had a smear until now as i was terrified of them but losing my husband like i didi had to make myself go for my kids sake. im glad i did but also wish i hadnt now. in my head they have told  me i have cancer even tho there is a query on it but like i said why would they even query that if it wasnt present on the smear to start with? 

  • To have high grade dyskariosis you will need the cells removed as these could turn cancerous. Write down a list of questions for your appointment, do you have someone to take along with you? They may do it there and then which would be amazing. I’m so glad you went for a smear, and I’m sorry you find yourself in this situation 

  • Hello and thank you for posting.

    I am sorry you are having a difficult time after a recent smear result but unfortunately, as I am not a doctor or part of your care it is difficult for me to answer your question. However, I can say that no one can say for sure what your situation is until you have the colposcopy.

    High-grade dyskaryosis means you have abnormal cells on your smear. It is the role of the colposcopy to look into this further and get a clearer picture of exactly what is present in your cervix. They can then decide if further treatment is needed.

    Take care and if you want to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline the number is Freephone 0808 800 4040. The lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
