rising PSA

I had a radical prostatectomy four year and a half years ago and my psa <0.1 until April 2024 when the result was 0.1ng. I had it repeated in a different lab and the result yesterday was 0.13ng. I am seeing my urologist next week. What is likely to happen next?

  • Hi AlistairH and welcome to the forum, I am not a nurse, to answer your question, the most likely answer is nothing, your PSA rise of 0.03 ng/ml is very small and most likely due to the slightly different ways laboratories do their testing, best wishes.


  • Sorry Eddie the recent psa was 0.13ng

  • Morning Alistair, a rise of 0.13 i still very small and maybe a one off and I would still say the labs different way of testing is the likely reason and also your PSA despite it's name, the androgen "testosterone" is also produced by the adrenal glands. My PSA, tested 3 monthly, has risen from 0.08 -0.24-0.48-1.04, was told last year and I agreed we would wait until my PSA reached 1.5 before acting on it, which is  pretty standard practice.


  • Eddie thanks for the advice. It is very much appreciated 

    I will wait for my urologist decision a little more informed

  • All the best with your oncologist appointment, take care.


  • Thanks for the update. I am a naturally OCD individual and  mentally this has been very tough, but I guess I am not alone in felling like that. It is good to hear from someone coping with the same news

  • Hi AlistairH and thank you for posting,

    I am sorry to learn you needed to have a prostatectomy, and that the PSA level has risen slightly causing you concern,

    Your urologist is the best person to discuss this with as they know your situation, as Eddie has mentioned, they may want to measure your PSA for a while, as it can fluctuate. They will also be able to tell you the cut-off point when they may start to think about if further tests and/or further treatment are needed.

    I appreciate this is an anxious time for you, but it is about taking one step at a time, and if possible trying not to overthink things. I realise this is easier said than done.

    Please feel free to get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care, all the best
