My dad’s terminal diagnosis

My dad was diagnosed in October 23 with oesophageal cancer and had weeks of chemotherapy with no change . He then developed lung fibrosis and wasn’t able to have any invasive surgery! He now has a feeding tube but today got told it has spread to his lymph nodes and he is refusing treatment! How long is he likely to have left with us? I’m devastated to say the least but want to have some idea of planning my final time with him.

thank in advance x

  • Hello Reeceb76, I am so sorry about your dad.  I have lost many friends and family members to this monstrous disease (as well as now having it myself) and I think that from what you have said, your dad has perhaps got weeks rather than months left.  Cancer is extremely unpredictable, so please be aware that your dad MIGHT live longer than anyone expects, but if I was you, I would be preparing that your dad has probably not got very long to live.  Please forgive me if I have been too honest with you, the last thing I want to do is to cause more pain to those folks who are already suffering so much, but I think you would rather hear the truth than sugar-coating wouldn't you?  Once again, I am so sorry for what you and your dad are going through, my thoughts are with you.  

  • Ah bless you so much for replying and your honesty which is always best. Thank you as it’s what I thought anyway.. I’m so sorry to hear about your diagnosis and hope it’s been caught in time for you? I’m sending you positive thoughts vibes and love x

  • Hi Reeceb76 and thank you for your post.

    I'm sorry to read about your dad’s situation. This must be a difficult time for all the family.

    I appreciate you want to know more about your dad’s prognosis (how long he has left), but I’m afraid I can't tell you very much. Someone's outlook will depend on many different factors, and it is such a hard thing to predict.

    The information on our website about prognosis may not accurately represent your dad since it's based on past studies and statistics, which cannot predict what will happen to an individual. Cancer behaves differently in each person, making an accurate prediction impossible.  Prognosis is a question best answered by your dad’s hospital team.  This is because they are familiar with all his medical details and will know so much more about his individual situation. 

    Everyone copes with a cancer diagnosis differently; there is no one right way to deal with it, but it can be hard when a loved one decides to stop/refuse treatment. 

    Right now, supporting him and taking care of yourself is important.  It can also be very emotionally draining on someone who is trying to support someone with cancer.

    The hospital where your dad is being treated may have a cancer information and support centre, sometimes these are run by the hospital or Macmillan Cancer Support.  There may also be a Maggie's Centre where your dad, you and the family can go, to speak to someone and get some support.  Both these centres may also provide benefits advice.

    Also, your dad may have a clinical nurse specialist (CNS) who is part of the medical team caring for your dad. They provide information and support and will know about any other local help that will be useful for your dad. 

    It may also be helpful to know if your dad and you can claim financial support at this time. 

    I hope this information is useful.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,


    Cancer Information Nurse