I am a concerned neighbour

My neighbour was diagnosed with lung cancer around a year ago she had radiotherapy and had scans and all was clear that’s great. She has found a lump in her boob about a month ago, she was in agony with it for a few weeks. Last week she went to get a biopsy scan and something else done, the doctors said wait 2 weeks to find out results and what not. Today I have seen her as she has asked if I have any ibuprofen and she has been so poorly since last night and all day her temperature has been all over the place and she has been in pain. I know her very well we’ve been close neighbours for the past 6 years I’m very concerned she won’t really let anyone help her she kind of just sits around in pain and listens to what she is told, surely there is something I can do to speak on her behalf I’ve told her I will and she always says she will get on to the hospital but I don’t know if she does and I don’t want to invade her privacy but I also feel like I have to to help her get help before it’s too late. Honestly I’m just looking for advise on if there is anything I can do to help her in any way. 

  • Hi Zara,

    I am just dropping you an answer to say that the nurses on this forum, will not be online again until tomorrow.

    If you are really worried about the pain that your neighbour is in and her temp, you may want to see if she will let you ring 111 on her behalf as its a weekend.

  • Okay thankyou I will see if she will let me. 

  • Hello there and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear your neighbour is in a lot of pain and is undergoing some tests to find out the cause.

    As it sounds like your neighbour had a biopsy taken last week and now feels unwell with a temperature it may be that she now has an infection that needs treating. Perhaps you could pop around to check if she has contacted the hospital or GP about this. 

    It really is important she doesn't just ignore this as she really needs to get this assessed, just to be on the safe side. The doctor should also be able to prescribe some stronger pain killers if needed, but the possibility of an infection needs to be ruled out.

    If you neighbour hasn't contacted anyone you could ask if you could call the doctor on her behalf. Whilst a doctor cannot disclose any information to you about her you can raise a concern about her current health. They can then arrange to speak with her and hopefully an appointment to assess her face to face.

    Unfortunately tests such as biopsies do take a couple of weeks to come through but at this point in time the priority is getting this pain and temperature looked into. Out of hours and in an emergency NHS111 can be called on for advice.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes,
