My neighbour was diagnosed with lung cancer around a year ago she had radiotherapy and had scans and all was clear that’s great. She has found a lump in her boob about a month ago, she was in agony with it for a few weeks. Last week she went to get a biopsy scan and something else done, the doctors said wait 2 weeks to find out results and what not. Today I have seen her as she has asked if I have any ibuprofen and she has been so poorly since last night and all day her temperature has been all over the place and she has been in pain. I know her very well we’ve been close neighbours for the past 6 years I’m very concerned she won’t really let anyone help her she kind of just sits around in pain and listens to what she is told, surely there is something I can do to speak on her behalf I’ve told her I will and she always says she will get on to the hospital but I don’t know if she does and I don’t want to invade her privacy but I also feel like I have to to help her get help before it’s too late. Honestly I’m just looking for advise on if there is anything I can do to help her in any way.