Terrified of posdible diagnosis

Good evening and sorry to bother you . I work full time with police have 2 kids and over years my diet not been great and smoked cigarettes , never really touched alcohol , but was very fit , loved sport and horse riding . Now age 56 and for few years my toilet not been great , lots constipation then laxatives that work short term then back to constipation so I was getting quite a lot of colonic irrigation and then struggling to poop normally and when I did it was rock hard and painful so tried lots different things . As well as up very early hours for work I juggle work kids my pets my house and look after 90 year old mum and starting to go for lie downs when home so tiredness is more now , so several days ago I contacted doctor but seen nurse as stomach swollen like fluid and distended , trousers tighter but not eating much at all , I am

coffeee addict so I need to be honest . Tried massaging stomach with YouTube videos to reduce wind no help . Nurse checked me checked vagina and back passage , saying they feel slacker  but will get bloods taken and gave me fit stool test , still waiting to poop To do this but got bloods taken today . As well as now worrying so much my best friend is stage 3 and going through chemo as we speak so cancer is in my head 24/7 , i Have googled so much about fluid posdibly as cities and I am

sure that is now what I might have . No blood from front no blood vaginally . Last stool test through post 3 months ago was clear but nurse says fit stool test is better . I honestly can’t think of anything else this could be I am ticking most of the cancer boxes please help thanks 

  • Hi, not a nurse, but honestly, I'm 46 and have suffered with a very lazy bowel for the past few years. Similar to yourself, short-term solutions work but as soon as my gut gets used to them them I'm back to constipation. 

    Also, like yourself, I don't tick cancer red flags (I know you think you are) so won't be referred for a colonoscopy because of that. 

    I understand you're fixated that it can only be cancer, but I think lazy bowel (esp post-menopause) is very common and the more remedies you take then the more dependent your bowel becomes on them so when you try to go naturally, you find you can't. This is especially true of laxatives

    Have you ever been prescribed a stool softener like Macragol? 

  • Thanks so so much for replying it means a lot . Friday last week I was given moviicol orange sachets and bottle lactulose now it’s just like watery substance coming out so still not normal so i

    noe need to stop taking that , bloods taken yesterday and still have stool

    sample to put in but I can’t until I actually have one it’s nightmare cycle xx

  • Yes, I was also given the orange sachets and got terrible diarrhoea after three days. Lactulose works after a while but can also give you terrible wind. 

    I'm going to try the Movicol again but at a reduced amount. I was taking 2 x day so may reduce it to 1 x every other day. Tinkering with the dosage nay help to create a better balance.

  • I totally agree it’s so hard to know what to use what to take to try get back to bowel normality and then not knowing if bloating excess wind is through medication given or another symptom that we were there for in first place x

  • Hi Plink and thank you for your post.

     I'm sorry to read about your situation. It sounds like you are going through a difficult time at the moment.  It appears you have been juggling a lot in your life recently. Managing eating schedules while working shifts, looking after your children and caring for your mum is always challenging.

    I am sorry to hear about your friend. When a friend or loved one receives a cancer diagnosis it can affect family and friends too. It can make you more aware of your own health and wellbeing.

    Constipation  is a common problem and does not necessarily mean that anything is seriously wrong.

    There are many reasons for constipation.  Feeling bloated, swollen and hard can be a side effect  of constipation.  

    I can appreciate that it is very worrying waiting for test results. Try to keep yourself busy and occupied through the day, as this helps to not over dwell on things. It is helpful to read up about investigations, but limit your time Googling, as it generally increases anxiety, and not reduces it.

    Anxiety UK has very useful  tips and advice on how to cope when waiting for results.

    I really hope you know more soon and that everything will be okay for you.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,
