Results for prostate cancer


5 years ago my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He had his prostate removed and radiation therapy. 
However, 8 weeks ago my father's PSA was 13, meaning the cancer has returned. 6 weeks ago he had a CT Scan and 3 weeks ago he had a bone scan. How long should he have to wait to get his results as no one is telling us anything and we was told it was a maximum of 2 weeks, He has been to see his GP weekly but they keep saying they don't have the results. What should be do? 

  • Hi Lindsey901 and welcome, I am so sorry to hear your dads prostate cancer has returned, like most people I know including myself we waited 2 to 3 weeks for scan results, but as they know your dads cancer has come back, the team responsible for your dads treatment will probably be waiting to see all his results to decide on what is the best treatment plan, Lindsey this team will be discussing your dads case weekly, even if all results are in, it may be a few days before they get together again, so give them another week, but by all means keep calling the hospital and as you are both finding it stressful tell them this, and if you feel your getting nowhere, contact PALS patient advice and liaison service, they will help, best wishes.

    Eddie xx

  • My dad had a CT and MRI about a month ago now for a prostate cancer diagnosis and we are only due to get the results back today! 

    Sorry you're playing the waiting game, it can certainly be frustrating. 

    We received the letter about getting the results in a phone call maybe a week ago. 

    Seems normal to have to wait around but as Eddie mentioned, call every so often and chase it up. You don't know if you dont ask. 

  • Hi Lindsey901 and thanks for your post

    I am sorry to hear about your dad's situation and I can appreciate the concern you have.

    Waiting for results is often a worrying time and a lot of people contact us to ask how long should they have to wait for them to come through.

    We are hearing that some people unfortunately are waiting longer than 2 weeks with services being stretched.

    You may like to raise concerns with the hospital  PALS (patient advice and liaison service) officer, who can look into this for your father or you could check with your GP again if they have results and ask if they can chase the hospital on your behalf.

    I hope you know more soon.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,
