Breast cancer so scared it’s spread

I have been diagnosed this week with stage 2 dcis and am waiting on her2  I have to have a mastectomy as there is cancerous calcification throughout my breast. Lymph node’s come back clear. I am so scared at every ache and pain I have in my body that it has spread. I can’t sleep and the fearof it spreading or already has is  causing so much anxiety. 

  • Hi Kat. I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis.  The waiting and unknown is terrible. I'm exactly the same. Diagnosed with a 4cm grade 1 breast cancer on 19th April after finding the lump (im only 39) I had my MRI the week before last and my mammogram on Wednesday. So I'm just waiting to get the results. They've booked me in to see the consultant on 7 June which seems like an unreasonable time to wait. Surely the results should be quicker than that. 

    The unknown is horrid. I'm petrified it's spread. My own mum died from metastatic bc in 2019 but she was 71 when she died. I have 2 small girls and I'm  not ready to thrown in the towel yet. I'm trying to keep myself busy and distracted to take my mind off the waiting. X

  • Hi, I’m sorry about yours. It all feels surreal. I’m 44 two of my kids are grown up but I have a nearly four year old too and keep thinking I’m not joint to see her grow up. I know I have to be positive but just so scared. Like you trying to keep busy at work and with my little one. 
    I can’t believe you have to wait until the 7th June! Can i ask how come you had an mri I feel new to everything and don’t know much. Hope you don’t mind me asking xx

  • Hi. Of course I don't mind.  The MRI and mammogram is so they can find out how big it is and more details about it like blood supply etc.  And also they can tell if it's reached my lymph nodes. So it's all about planning what treatment I  will need. 

    I agree. 7th is a long time. I called the consultant's secretary today and she said that was the first available appointment which is nuts! It's beyond their 62 day target (from the referral) to have started treatment. 

    I'm petrified it's spreading in the meantime. They said they thought my lymp nodes looked OK at the breast clinic but I'm still petrified. 

    I'm really worried I'm not going to be here for my 4 and 6 year olds growing up.  Just trying to remain as positive as possible and keep pushing on.

    They've clearly got your plan already! Which is good news. Xx

  • Hello lovely 

    welcome to the chat I had breast cancer in July 2022 at the start it’s a massive shock , but time passes quickly I’m sure you will fly through it , you can’t change it so my advice is big girl pants on fight it and you will come out at the end of it smiling when it’s all done .

    I like you at the start felt every ache every spot I thought it’s the cancer spread ect it’s natural to think that way but take one day at a time one appointment at a time you are in safe hands breast cancer isn’t what it was years ago it’s amazing what they do now .

    im hete to chat or help if I can xx love Lara xx 

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear you are currently undergoing treatment and further tests, which can be a anxious time for most people.

    It is very easy to let the mind run away with itself and think the worst, as well as being much more aware to every ache and pain in the body.

    At times like this it is important to try and look after yourself as best you can. Keep yourself busy and try and plan to do something every day just to keep those negative thoughts at bay. I understand this is easier said than done but it really can help.

    Do also focus on the positives for now as well, from what you say this seems to have been caught at an earlier stage. There is no sign of lymph node involvement which means it would be highly unlikely to have spread anywhere else.

    I hope you have some friends and family around you to distract and support you but Please do get back to us if you need any more information or support.  We're also on the phones 9-5 weekdays on 0808 800 4040.

    Wishing you all the best

    Take care


  • Thank you for replying and your advice ️ 

  • Hi

    I was also diagnosed with DCIS, they are classed as either low, medium or high grade. The later is more likely to turn into invasive cancer if left untreated.

    DCIS (stage 0) is contained within the ducts and therefore cannot spread. Only invasion cancer can spread. 

    I would ask for a MRI, if you haven't already done so as this will show if there is any invasive element to the DCIS. 

    If no sign of invasion then you have nothing to worry about in terms of spread.