PSA on the increase!

First diagnosed with prostate cancer in May 2006 had 20 Sessions Radiotherapy 55GY total, followed by Hormone treatment for 3 years and PSA was down at @ 0.1.

Over the years therefore, I have had PSA checks every 6 months, but since November 2010 PSA 0.27, it has been increasing, the last couple of years as below:

16th Sept 2021 PSA@0.94
15th March 2022 PSA@1.15
8th Sept 2022 PSA@1.47
23rd March 2023 PSA@2.17
24th May 2023 PSA@2.57
24 August 2023 PSA @ 3.22
24th November 2023 PSA @ 3.46 up 0.24
7th March 2024 PSA @5.61 up 2.15

Rather concerned about the sudden increase, at which point should I be concerned and what treatment might be used to bring my PSA down.

Thank you for any reply.

  • Hi Devonroy and a warm welcome to the community, your PSA rise is concerning though i should say as you get older your PSA number rises as well, 60 to 70 year old PSA 4.5 is normal over 70 PSA 5.2 is normal. There are also other reasons for a rising PSA, though i would be seeing a doctor to find out why. Should it be cancer, all treatments could be considered except radiotherapy as it causes too much damage to target the same area twice. take care.


  • Hello Roy, and thank you for posting.

    I am afraid as we are nurses we are unable to give a medical opinion and suggest what treatments might be used. It is best to discuss this with your specialist and/or prostate nurse (CNS) who knows you and your cancer.

    We do have a page on what happens if your prostate cancer comes back if this is at all helpful.

    Take care Roy, and if you want to talk things through with a nurse on the helpline the number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040. The lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday. 


  • Good news, spoke to my cancer nurse to day and she reassured me that the sudden jump she believes is due to the fact that I had recently spent a week in hospital with cholangitis (often referred to as primary biliary cirrhosis) a type of liver disease.
    The hospital had taken the PSA test during the time I was in hospital and she Is 90% sure that the next test I have in early April will show a lower figure.

  • Had a PSA test and a PETscan nearly 3 weeks ago, but have received no results to date, hoping no news is good news!

  • Phone call from my Oncology Nurse today to tell me that my latest PSA test is slightly up and that my recent PETscan has shown a very small spot of cancer in my prostate.

    Thankfully no sign of cancer anywhere else in my body, await a letter from my specialist as to the way forward, Nurse thinks it will be hormone therapy.