Waiting for colonoscopy

I have had low back pain, sometimes radiating to hip and left side since early September.  Countless GP visits, bloods (including CA125) were normal.  I paid for a private abdominal + transvaginal ultrasound - fatty liver found. Abdominal pain + softer stools continued, however I had changed to vegetarian diet and partner was also having (successful) surgery for very early stage bowel cancer. Paid for private CT scan + qFIT again nothing found & suggested was menopause/diet/stress.  Pain now returning + had single episode of bright red blood on wiping and feeling of 'fullness'.  Back to GP again, digital exam showed piles. I asked for colonoscopy + was referred privately. Saw consultant who has booked colonoscopy for FEBRUARY! I'm terrified something is wrong and we're now going to be nearly 6 months down the road by time I get colonoscopy - even by going private!

Just want to know - would abdominal + pelvic CT with contrast miss a cancer? Likewise, would the ultrasound? Could piles/stress/new vegetarian diet cause bowel changes/abdo pain?  Isn't this a long time to get any answers?

I feel at a loss for what to do next!  Sorry for ranting.

  • Hello CLCAC

    Thank you for posting in our Ask the Nurses topic area. The nurse team is out of the office for the festive period.

    The office reopens on Wednesday 28th to 30th Dec 9 am to 5 pm. Then closed 5 pm 30th Dec, back on 3rd Jan 2023 to 6th Jan, as normal 9 am to 5 pm.

    They will reply as soon as they can but you’re also welcome to contact them on 0808 800 4040 during opening hours.

    Best wishes,
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Hello there and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear about the symptoms you are having but i'm afraid no one here can tell you what the matter is. Symptoms can be caused by many things and in most cases won't be the result of anything as serious as a cancer.

    You have done the right thing by seeing your doctor and it seems you have had a series of several tests that have all come back okay which in many ways is reassuring.

    Usually if something like a cancer is large enough to cause symptoms it is big enough to pick up on a scan were it to be there. However no test can ever be 100% accurate which is why if symptoms are persistent it is important to go back and see your doctor, which you have.

    Within the NHS tests are done according to urgency and this is measured by the level of symptom as well as results from any primary tests carried out that may indicate the need for further investigations. Likewise if the private consultant felt you needed the colonoscopy more urgently they would have recommended this.

    Many factors can bring on or cause symptoms and as you mention change in diet and stress are included.

    I hope things improve for you soon and you get the answers you are looking for.

    Best wishes
