I have had low back pain, sometimes radiating to hip and left side since early September. Countless GP visits, bloods (including CA125) were normal. I paid for a private abdominal + transvaginal ultrasound - fatty liver found. Abdominal pain + softer stools continued, however I had changed to vegetarian diet and partner was also having (successful) surgery for very early stage bowel cancer. Paid for private CT scan + qFIT again nothing found & suggested was menopause/diet/stress. Pain now returning + had single episode of bright red blood on wiping and feeling of 'fullness'. Back to GP again, digital exam showed piles. I asked for colonoscopy + was referred privately. Saw consultant who has booked colonoscopy for FEBRUARY! I'm terrified something is wrong and we're now going to be nearly 6 months down the road by time I get colonoscopy - even by going private!
Just want to know - would abdominal + pelvic CT with contrast miss a cancer? Likewise, would the ultrasound? Could piles/stress/new vegetarian diet cause bowel changes/abdo pain? Isn't this a long time to get any answers?
I feel at a loss for what to do next! Sorry for ranting.