My dad, who is 77, currently uses a wheeled walker, but he is unstable and as he weighs 19 stone I am terrified he will fall again, he comes close sometimes, especially as his cancer progresses. My mum is 80 and lives with him. We have thought of a manual wheelchair but I would presume given my mums age and my dads size, those won't be practical for her to push, especially as my dads arms aren't strong enough to push himself and we have very tight corridors to swing around. Does the NHS free loan out electric wheelchairs for terminal patients ? For room to room type transport ? Doesn't need to be usable outdoors. If they do, do they also loan out electric hoists ? As he has great trouble getting out of low chairs, he has a 15cm toilet riser which he just about gets off of (he goes straight from toilet/chair to his walker, he can't stand unaided), so I would imagine a wheelchair would be very low and perhaps too low to move from chair to bed/chair without some kind of hoist/winch.
I know I should ask the NHS but thought I would ask here first to see what nurses who have helped the terminally ill say.
Thanks for any info !!