Hard lump under skin next to nose

Hey everyone 

I've found a hard lump next to my nose on the left side. I feel like it came overnight but it seems to have gotten a little bigger in size in over a week but you can't see it on top of the skin, only feel it when you press on it. 

its a little sore when I press, but doesn't hurt. It's a weird l shape and I cannot move it around. Its not squishy or anything. Has anyone had anything like this before? I'm going to ring my doctors but I'm worried about it with everything I've been reading online! should I be concerned? What should I be asking the doctor to do if they just say "it's nothing to worry about" but doesn't go away... can I ask for a referral or for a scan, or biopsy? 
I'm a mummy to a 3 year old and I can't risk taking any chances. The thought of it scares me! 
Thank you x

  • Hello Tara, and thank for posting.

    We are unable to say what this hard lump is, but it isn't necessarily anything sinister. Any symptoms you search online will be linked to a cancer in some way, but the internet is not a doctor, and can just cause more anxiety.

    Its a good idea to get changes checked out by a GP and you say you are giving them a ring so that's the best idea. Doctors know how to assess any lumps or bumps so will know the right thing to do, they will order tests or referrals if they feel there is a need or it is appropriate.

    Take care Tara, and I hope you know more soon.


  • So sorry. Please do go to the doctors, face to face and get a referral if they think you need one .If you do not get anywhere ,please persist to see someone you specialist in this .I don't want to worry you but it's best to get checked out .I personally am I head and neck cancer patient that started with a small nothing in my mouth 4 years ago .All OK now .All the best and good luck 

  • Thank you for coming back to me Sarah! 
    I gave up ringing my doctors and just went down and managed to get an appointment for next Thursday. 

    Fingers crossed it's nothing serious. 
    thank you! Have a good weekend x

  • Thank you for your response and for sharing a part of your story with me! I'm so glad you're okay now!! 

    it's a little scary isn't it when you find something and then struggle to get into the doctors! Anyway, I managed to get an appointment for Thursday next week, and I'm going to push for a second opinion if they just say it's nothing because it's quite big, hard under my skin and doesn't move! Also a little sore to touch and wasn't there weeks ago and has never been there before! 

    thank you. Have a lovely weekend! X

  • Hi, I realise this is an old post, but I came across it as I have exactly the same thing as you described, even in exactly the same place! I have made a doctors appointment, but just wondered what happened if you don't mind sharing as I too am a bit worried. 
    thank you 

  • Hello Brownie11 and thanks for posting, 

    I am not sure if Tara1906 will reply, but if she does bear in mind that everyone's situation is different, so whatever happened with her lump might not shed any light on yours. 

    Most lumps and bumps don't turn out to be caused by cancer, but it is always a good idea to get a new lump properly checked out. Waiting is inevitably unsettling, I hope you find out more soon. 

    Give us a call on Freephone 0808 800 4040 if you want to talk anything over. We are here weekdays 9-5.

    Best wishes,
