Hey everyone
I've found a hard lump next to my nose on the left side. I feel like it came overnight but it seems to have gotten a little bigger in size in over a week but you can't see it on top of the skin, only feel it when you press on it.
its a little sore when I press, but doesn't hurt. It's a weird l shape and I cannot move it around. Its not squishy or anything. Has anyone had anything like this before? I'm going to ring my doctors but I'm worried about it with everything I've been reading online! should I be concerned? What should I be asking the doctor to do if they just say "it's nothing to worry about" but doesn't go away... can I ask for a referral or for a scan, or biopsy?
I'm a mummy to a 3 year old and I can't risk taking any chances. The thought of it scares me!
Thank you x