Diagnosed mid-Sept 2019 with Stage 4 oesophageal cancer - mets in liver at diagnosis. Incurable, but currently undergoing chemo to manage the condition.
First scan post treatment (4 cycles of Oxaliplatin and Capecitabine) showed greater than 50% reduction in Liver mets with two disappearing altogether . Primary tumour has more modest reduction as did 2 Lymph modes, no new lesions. Very pleasing result!!
Also had confirmation primary is HER2+ so am now going to be getting Herceptin - it often helps with the unknown factor being how long it continues helping. Time will tell
Mar 5th - 8th and final chemo cycle. Herceptin only after this. Scan in two weeks to see how things are. It will be good to lose the side effects although slightly anxious about what will happen next.