First diagnosed with Invasive Lobular cancer Sept 2019, Mastectomy Oct 2019, Axillary node clearance Nov 2019. Spent three months dithering ( I.e. Behaving like a child) about having hormone therapy (Letrozole) Refused bisphosphonates as NHS Predict didn't show much difference to prognosis with it. March 2020 started Letrozole, some slight nausea and lack of appetite for a few weeks accompanied by welcome half stone weight loss. Six weeks later, nausea gone, half stone back, (boo) feeling ok.
May 2021 still getting the odd, bearable hot flush, aches and pains, could be due to side effects but probably just my arthritis. Checked the side effects list on back of Letrozole information and ticked off 15 but all at acceptable levels. Aged 74 now and doing as well as anyone of my age can hope for. Hope my story helps someone in similar situation to feel optimistic about the future!