Hi, Im Viki aged 64 and 3/4.
Last year I had my 3rd BC and my second mastectomy. After my mastectromy I had fluid that wouldnt go away, they were reluctant to drain it and when they realised it was infected I was given Anti Bi's (which didnt work), so had another dose which gave me a UTI (I was passing blood lol). Anyways, the infection went but not the fluid. Had my last check up last Aug, and they said it would eventually go and not to worry HA. My fluid is now solid all along the length of my scar it it lookds and feels like my boob is growing, Ive now got a nice small handful?? but, I think its getting bigger and Ive noticed my scar is slightly wider than what it was.What would cause this and what can be done. Im so hesitant to conact anyone because of the current situation with the virus and I know how busy they mist be. Thanx for listening
V x